the rulers of this world are disconnected from reality.
Reality is the urge to change our habits.
Reality is to admit, that the system is oppressive and that discrimination exist.
Reality is to admit that people are still killed for being different and the system takes part on their death,
when it's not giving the final shot itself.
Reality is also, making the truth circulate :
that we are not born as consumers,
that we are not born as selfish creatures.
We don't need to accumulate money and goods,
we don't need to crush others.
We need to realize what the system wants us to be.
Because they failed to take care and to preserve the Earth.
Therefore they shall perish.
It's the whispering of all those who died ,waking up people by surprise
why do i hear them, I cannot control it, why I don't know why?!
Feeling the chill of dead cold words
millions of children raped and abused
Cold broken minds, lives been used.
Dreams and Hope of fights that are lost
If u think they don't suffer, hear their ghouls.
Refugees denied sin of mankind,
women are raped cause men are allowed,
Screams are echoing what was ever,woved.
Cops and soldiers kill and rape!
Dissociating from feelings, and what is alive,
Exploiting people in all kind of landscapes!
Dehumanising, filling with blood, the barrels.
ALL THE WAYS ( to make us sick)
All the possible ways to tell you,you dont fit
is attributing psychiatric diagnoses cause it's of you the they'll get rid
I'm talking about what en who's not accepted by socety
but labeling and medicating with fake scientific prove could be a fatality
It's not only the restraining jacket, the symbol of psychiatric abuse,
it also A.P.A.'s shitty book, that allow this use.
So the category personality disorders or children's labels,
are nothing else than descriptions of what society gathers.
Borderline is the new hysteria, made it subtile, vague and actual,
like all those new labels, as sexual hypoactive or asexual.
ADHD children were once annoying but not sick.
Strange and interesting personalities are now schizotypical,
and work stressed people all slick risperdal!
So open your eyes facing modern psychiatry,
'cause a loads disorders, are just the mirror of society.
Redefining science of the mind as a new born god,
if the research say so, it can't be wrong!
Take the new speed to slick
finding all the ways, to make us sick!
Birth control with fluoride
creating zombies with rilatine
erasing sexual desire with antidepressant
Restraining fantasy with neuroleptics.
Nobody can save us if we don't look in ourselves
if we dont realise we still follow the male gaze
exteriorising jalousy and bad feelings towards other women
just cause we are trapped, in those shitty mechanisms
that allow men to control us more and more!
So defend your sisters don't turn your back
war against sexism has to start into us,
if we're not careful with this more and more,
all previous fights will turn into dust!
Et toi le mec bourré de cliché patriarcaux
refuse que la societé fasse de toi un dominant
et vois dans les yeux de tes soeurs en lutte
la rage qu'elles incarnent contre le sexisme.
When we let envy poison our hearts
is 'cause the patriarchal society made us!
so stop looking at yourself with a sexist brain
and think, we need so much to regain!
Guilt! Shame! Multiply!
Tears! Cramps! Testify!
Puke! Breed! Don't Abort
Stay in your Discomfort.
Suffer for something you don't want,
humans just have to be born,
suffer from something you don't want,
humans just have to be born.
you don't have to
you don't have to
be abused
choice is yours
as your body,
you can choose
for your life.
what's this religious stupid thought,
that you are guilty if you abort?
How long we still have to suffer from this bigottry, old, insanity, refuse!
what's this religious stupid thought
that you are guilty if you abort.
Guilt! Shame! Multiply!
Tears! Cramps! Testify!
Puke! Breed! Don't abort!
Stay, in your, discomfort!
Suffer from something you don't want,
human have just to be born
suffer from something you don't want,
human are just fucking born!
Another girl is born,
a future victim for the pharmaceutical industry,
prescribing the pill when she's not fully grown
then making money from misery.
Only diabetes is genderfree,
selling insuline covering governments' sins
polluting the Earth 'has it should be',
to arrive faster! To the next barn.
It's hard to be a woman in a world for men,
just like it's hard to be black in a world for white,
dominate inventing differentiated disorders and write them in the DSM
70's nymphomaniacs made place for the hypoactive sexual desire
so that she can slick pills 'till she hang herself with a wire,
the heterosexual patriarchal vision never said farewell.
Thank to religions, to the capitalist scam,
god bless america's A.P.A., mother of crimes
made it feminine to grow more male pride
so that those western trends would go worldwide!
Christian religion is still present in doctor's minds:
young girls should take the pill 'cause guilty of having sex,
and shall be reduced to chemically, popped up dolls,
and shall stay sexually desirable 'things', to satisfy their man!
still who decides what we want, are men,
that's why we help the industry, more than them,
you shall perish under your menstruations cramps, and worry to hide em good!
Eva's punished by god on earth, u'll always feel some pain!
That without taking your pill(s)you'll grow a sense of guilt,
for all the poor unborn children and family you dont want to build!
Take your relatine to be bound to your child
take your xanax to forget your sakes.
Skip, those brainwashing pro-pregnancy publicity
and please, laugh at their stupidity.
Rich ignorant people condamning our lives
who don't know anything of our minds
money rules the world and blinds your eyes,
For sure they don't care if we would live or die.
What money does,
kicking out people for renting to people,
or just 'cause they don't, like our style!
from your Porsche you look disgusted to us,
and from your elycopter you laugh and you smile!
Sadistic Bastard!
You left your soul behind.
Cura cura
se vuoi la pelle dura
cura cura
e' tutto cio' che vuoi
lavaggio del cervello sulla tua identita'
tu non sei capace nella tua societa'
che rinchiusa nella sua mediocrità
ti porta a credere che sei tu che sei sbagliata
mondo dell'ovest privilegiato
non ne muoiono abbastanza
finché non muore ogni speranza.
sei tu che sei malata
se ti hanno violentata
quanta gente di merda
si intrufola nella scena,
sessisti, fascisti,
stasera tutti a cena.
Usando il privilegio
senza pensare al cambiamento
credendo a cio' che dicono
nel cervello hanno il silenzio!
esseri umani
che mangiano animali
vogliono solo attaccare,
cio' che non comprendono.
" Se l'è cercata lei,
la ninfomane scoppiata,
lei che voleva, esser, violentata!"
esseri infami,
e' facile credere alle proprie verita',
non si pongono, problemi,
si proclamano anarchici e violentano, nella scena!
can't see anarchism without feminism!
'cause patriarchy has always been linked to capitalism
refuse catholic religion 'cos it's the same shit
privileged white male made the modern society
as god... created...
as god created humans starting from HIMself
eva coming from a rib, sexism can be spread
to silent women, queer and transpeople
dominate the poor, people of colour and feed the hatred
Binarity - serves patriarchy
Gender roles - are stupid
A way - to Dominance
A need - for Power
we refuse to feed the heterosexual social machine!
their power engine should be sabotaged
show your 'queerness' refuse to marry
if it's not to avoid all the borders' norms
as god...created...
heteropatriarchal manners are a way to white male domination
destroy this cistem and gender expectations
abandon the family dream kill your own sexist myth!
destroy the white male privilege
recognise your own cis privilege
Ban all society self fullfilling old bigotry dreams!
what's the purpose of this feeble life?
you think you win but you're out of time!
limited human brain, waiting for clues!
it's not possible to learn from mistakes
still your brain is filled with those damn sakes
taking advantage of our feeble life,
it's the price for choosing a side.
grasping to find a truth in the sick human's mind
elaborating miserable thoughts to fill in the emptyness of this times
destructing double glass mirrors and still dont be sure
that all those constructions of mankind, will not make me pure.
Running out of fantasy and happiness,
cause our world is turning to nothingness.
always trying to be satisfied,
when you know that satisfaction is a lie.
white noises smashing your brain in the end there is only pain.
i can't trust mankind ,longing for some more signs,
that believing illusions is possible or simply not to care,
but in the end, in the end, there's mostly sorrow.
slim spelen of eerlijkheid, geen medelijden geen hoffelijkheid
enkel een oude vuile hoop, gelukkig zijn is te koop.
wanneer zal het allemaal eindigen en kunnen mensen maar beledigen?
waarom is zo vreemd een stand in te nemen?
nu dat facho's zijn overal getolereerd
als je niet belg bent wordt je geviseerd, als je niet slijmt wordt je geïsoleerd.
daar waar seksisme en nationalisme zouden minder sterk moeten zijn
hebben wij nog, vlaamse fascisten die beweren dat niet zijn!
apolitische facho's bestaan niet,
'sieg heil roepende stemmen' zal ik er nooit aan wennen!
ze dragen vlaggen tegen dierenmishandeling
en zorgen voor het belang van Vlamingen
ze willen vluchtelingen dood maar geen schattige dieren!
dan drinken ze Leffe om te vieren!
waarom gaat 't al zo SNEL
er is geen TIJD
voor een UITWEG
maar ze zijn te facho om 't niet te zijn,
vlaamse leeuwen op uw vest, doen mij zeker pijn!
Nationalism has risen look around you
Flags of hatred flags of doom
Fear and insecurities spreaded around
Believing that re-fu-gees
have to be stopped and even killed
Empathie's gone, people don't listen!
they say migration is the cause
of poverty problems in those 'countries of yours'!
while capitalism kills even 'his folks'!
No guilt and no remorse
to send people back to their homes
destroyed by rich countries arms
peace missions of legal rapists.
We bomb countries and kill everyday
and if a bomb explodes here everybody goes insane
destroy all the borders they're all to blame!
Believing that re-fu-gees
have to be stopped and even killed
Assassini legali torturatori laureati
Aiutanti disumanizzati, fascisti constatati :
sbirri, militari e pichiatri!
Rinchiudete la gente in prigione o in psichiatria
e nessuno si chiede della vostra malattia
credete ciecamente e seguite gli ordini,
cio' che é storto va raddrizzato, torturato e poi,
legate le persone, uccidete gli innocenti
e tutto in nome dei capi potenti
Il D.S.M.
é una calunnia
Neurolettici e rilatina con le benzo. fate il cocktail
e nno vi frega niente se vi svengono davanti
cercate solo clienti drogati e paganti
la personalità autoritaria é l'unico vero problema
col vostro sangue freddo, uccidete a catena.
le bandiere
il D.S.M.
bloccate gli sbirri
boicottate tutti i fascismi
Assassini legali, torturatori laureati
aiutanti disumanizzati, fascisti constatati
sbirri, militari e psichiatri
eredi del dogma disumanizzanti.
why we still care why we still judge, why we don't see the reality of things
patriarchy still impose us, behaviours that no woman should accept
if we are ourselves however we are we don't care if our behaviour is ''right''
we don't mind how much we are despised however we act and we don't need your advise
tell us what to wear, how to socialise and do
tell us who to fuck and how often we should
insults and frustrations that male mind let go there is no blame in being who you are and how you love
fingers pointed, sluts & whores
all the patriarchist point of view
psychological violence, sexist looks
non c'e' fine alla violenza!
battuta ferita e senza ritorno nella 'stanza'
non c'e' fine alla violenza!
battuta ferita e senza ritorno nella 'stanza'
per-che'-la punizione per tradire e' questa
non c'e' fine alla sottomissione della donna e
sangue odio umiliazione e 'peccati' che portano violenza!
e intorno il gelo freddo
e poi,
il dolore esplode nel petto
e poi
i sentimenti si frammentano
e poi,
sei tu la stronza per l'altra!
e poi,
il dolore esplode nel petto
e poi
i sentimenti si frammentano
e poi,
sei tu la stronza per l'altra!
uante di noi sono state imprigionate
vittime della gelosia e Dominanza!
where self defence is used to protect the liberated land
it's a logical human need if around you there's civil war
armed resistance to live
in rojava
women centered society gender equality
non ti prende il sentimento
non finira' in un dannato momento!
self sufficiency, jinealogy
all the trainings to survive in autonomy and solidarity
fighting tyranny and regimes with weapons and unity
it's an example of a different society, gaining victories
Costrette a rivoltarsi dopo le violenze
subite amiche sorella guerrilla
lotta armata, per Afrin e Kobane!
They're imprisoned, killed, raped everyday
but their solidarity is their way, sisters that can't be ignored no more,
cause they won't submit anymore!
we can't destroy capitalism without fighting the state,
as we can't destroy the state, without smashing patriarchy
Women have been marginalised, excluded and killed for too long
in Rojava.
cio' che uccidono, cio' che mangi spesso
consumandolo ci metti la faccia
sottomettono donne,popoli,scelte e animali
di uguaglianza non c'e' traccia
perche' pensi di essere meglio di una bestia
ami gli animali e sei procaccia?
non vedi il nesso col capitalismo che non ami
purche' mangiare la morte ti piaccia!
predicare e razzolare male!
gli ipocriti noi
grossolani mentitori
di noi stessi e a noi stessi
oppressori umani
predicare e razzolare male!
cio' che uccidono, cio' che mangi spesso
consumandolo ci metti la faccia
sottomettono donne,popoli,scelte e animali
di uguaglianza non c'e' traccia
perche' pensi di essere meglio di una bestia
ami gli animali e sei procaccia?
non vedi il nesso col capitalismo che non ami
tu sei ancora vivo, ogni ingiustizia non e' separata da te!
we live in a world where if you don't fit
they call it psychiatric disorder,
supporting this, you are
feeding psychiatry's self fullfilling prophecy
livin' in a world where people get shot
because they try to cross a border
a world where success and money
are the only ways to sanity,
Psychiatric label just means heavy medication
done without any scientific clue and no differentiation,
it's not you that is sick,
'sick" is fighting symptoms without digging into society
So stop complaining about your fake disorder
and take your responsability
there's a abyss saying u need help
and that u suck because you 'have depression'
so realize you even have the time for getting a diagnosis
while in some places on earth,
people are important because of their 'psychoses'
please quit crying like a baby about your personality disorder
as it's an invention of those times,
quit supporting heartless robots,
making diagnoses with unconscious anger,
quit your abusive relationship or loneliness,
the social media's nothingness,
and don't be an unconscious capitalism supporter!
it's society depressing you
medicating, annhilating you
sick of seeing these people
portrayed as rapists and criminals
while they're just searchin for asylum, searching for asylum
whaaat are we becoming, arent we disappointing?
they are searching for asylum, searching for asylum
but when bombs start to fall
you'd be the 1st one on a boat
fleeing for your survival
fear of the stranger the unknown
don't think too much!
just believe the media headlines,
your opinions are confined,
political agenda, spreading the lie,
being desocialised, media-controlled minds
using wars you created,
to make us grow in hatred,
to make us divided, to make us segrageted.
sleeping minds never wake up
dissidents are silenced
so there's no way to rise up
the crimes of the elites are unpunished!
for all those who died, because of hatred for what is feminine,
for all those who died, because of their gender!
Are you scared of our revenge?
Are you scared of women taking over?
To kill the dominant man should be our first aim
'cause people still laugh on rape and death of all that is feminine!
For everybody's worse to be a fascist than a damn mysoginist,
poor subculture of ignorance, where people just ignore fucking coherence!
My name was Bere and I overdosed
as I couldn't stand anymore
to have been raped, to have been abused
My name was Lea and with Zoe we died beaten up,
they couldn't stand our love and they were fucking racists.
My name was Laura, and I jumped from the window
as I have been victim of transphobic hatred.
our lives have been destroyed, because of our gender // sexual orientation
our lives have been destroyed, because we choosed to be ourselves!
If we fight back in everyday life
this time the dominant man will fear us
just like in Rojava they fear the YPJ cause they could go to hell,
if women"s bullets kill them!
Are you scared of women taking over?
Are you scared of our revenge?
Are you scared of women taking over?
for all those who died, because of hatred for what is feminine,
for all those who died, because of their gender!
Are you scared of our revenge?
Are you scared of women taking over?
To kill the dominant man should be our first aim
'cause people still laugh on rape and death of all that is feminine!
For everybody's worse to be a fascist than a damn mysoginist,
poor subculture of ignorance, where people just ignore fucking coherence!
My name was Bere and I overdosed
as I couldn't stand anymore
to have been raped, to have been abused
My name was Lea and with Zoe we died beaten up,
they couldn't stand our love and they were fucking racists.
My name was Laura, and I jumped from the window
as I have been victim of transphobic hatred.
our lives have been destroyed, because of our gender // sexual orientation
our lives have been destroyed, because we choosed to be ourselves!
If we fight back in everyday life
this time the dominant man will fear us
just like in Rojava they fear the YPJ cause they could go to hell,
if women"s bullets kill them!
Are you scared of women taking over?
Are you scared of our revenge?
Are you scared of women taking over?
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