zaterdag 14 september 2024



' il vero volto del capitalismo ' has finished and we are grateful for all the gigs, the laughs , the talks and the food & drinks we got. 
I have a confession to make, I kicked out the first guy ever from MatraK AttaKK. and it's Py after almost 7 years of service.
I tried,  but playing together since we split wasn't great to me, and, if I left him years ago, it was 'cause I cannot stand toxic relationships anymore.
Even when 2 people split, they can keep it toxic even afterwards and nope, Matrak Attakk ain't the space for this anymore, since 2 really motivated people entered this band.
I called the next tour ' take back the night and the day as well' as I am taking back this band in a so coherent possible femmjnist directon. It was me 10 years ago, wanting to keep it alive (even though it had another name ahah) and it is me, 10 years later, that doesn't feel alone or misunderstood anymore to keep it alive.
As I said previously as Migou left, we shouldn't never and ever play with someone we don't fit with just because!
There is no reason to do it.
Nobody is 100% coherent, but let's say it : I am so tired of cis guys playing pro feminist because it attracts sympathy, friends and.... feminists ;)
This scene is full of fake people, as much as this worls is, as punks are just people. we are not perfect, we are human mistakes, but we try not to be mean.
And, after a lot of mean things. I really really want honesty. and amazing people to play with.

As a woman, I don't need anyore to be directed in any guy direction, to keep emprisoned in power games mechanism; implicit and explicit, 
I don't need anymore to do things because someone is pushing me forward to get profit of what I write or I stand for,
I don't want anymore to take decisions that are nostalgy based, I want to move forward in a dynamic horizzontal way of doing things with this band.
And I am ready for big changes. Because again I had the glimpse :) and now, it is possible!

Manipulative mechanisms are strongly cohercive and intrinsically stuck in human relationship. We invent and  repeat them, and revenge is such a taboo but we keep on live of that without realising it... and we ALL make mistake, we bring each other down without even knowing it!

that's why I wrote some lyrics against the typical couple, marriage, and the old school patriarchal way of seeing couples, where still men are allowed to know freedom and keep their symbolic seat of the patriarchal bastard in their real, and imaginary homes!

When we discover cohercion in our  habits, we must admit it. Put an end and stay away from it. we aren't saints nor martyr to sacrifice for no one 's sake!

And most important thing. When we recognise the good from the bad, we shouldn't wait longer andtake a stand. I am not attacking anyone with this, just would love to share this with the few readers of this blog, hopefully, there are some women reading too...

MatraK AttaKK goes on, with people that believe in this project.

MatraK AttaKK is now based in Lille (fr) and Florence (it)

It is now Roman Eli and Cristina.
the 4th member is coming soon. but it will be a friend.


2.11 ACHEN